executive folklore!!!

welcome in, prepare to read through my mind

probably updated soon

sign my guestbook!

musical compositions!!!

i use flat or handwrite my music. i do not care if this is suboptimal.
each piece will be attached in the form of a link or image, depending on the format written in.
as a fledgling composer, i find it helpful to keep my music short and to the point. to this end, instead of creating entire movements for musical ideas, i use mini-movements to convey it quicker and "simpler".
in the future, this could change.

image credit to wired

folklore (writing)!!!

the writing can range from fictional short stories (the titular folklore) to essays to rants. this is whatever i want to write, whenever.

image credit to npr


i play lots of games. this section includes reviews, stories, or guides on games i enjoy.

background image credit to national geographic